This is why I don’t shop at Aldi: Woman can’t believe what she found in her packaged rice from Aldi

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According to report, An Aldi shopper recently shared a troubling experience involving a moldy rice package purchased from the supermarket, sparking widespread discussion online.

The incident was brought to light by a TikTok user, @defonotlils, who posted a video on June 6 that quickly gained traction, amassing over 674,600 views. In the video, she describes the unpleasant discovery.

“Guys, I’ve just had a traumatic experience,” she begins. She then shows the packaging’s “best before” date: July 21, 2025. “Fresh unopened rice. Look at the date, right? Next year, from Aldi. From Aldi,” she stresses.

The TikToker then reveals her ruined meal, showing the moldy rice she had poured onto her plate. As she continues to pour from the package, more mold is discovered. “No bro. What the [expletive] is that?” she exclaims.

Frustrated, she addresses Aldi directly: “Aldi, you’ve got to fix this, buddy. Oh, no. What the [expletive]? There’s mold in my food. Like, it’s supposed to [expire next year]. Aldi, buddy, you’ve got to fix this. I’m actually feeling sick. Like, I can’t even eat this. No.”

The video ends with a playful dig at Aldi from another individual, who promotes the rival supermarket Lidl. “See this one right here. This is what we like innit,” he says, pointing at a Lidl logo on a package of flour. “[Expletive] Aldi, all my homies hate Aldi.”

Is Aldi really at fault?

The video sparked debate in the comments, with viewers divided over who was responsible for the moldy rice.

Some commenters defended Aldi, with one sarcastically remarking, “Yeah because Aldi can definitely check every single product that goes on their shelf and see into sealed packs of rice.”

On the other hand, some sided with the TikToker, highlighting the potential health risks. “People are MAD aldi should be doing quality checks! Do people even realise how bad ingesting this would be,” one concerned user commented.

Another commenter, who shared a similar experience, claimed this wasn’t an isolated incident. “That’s exactly what mine was like I just had the plain one but it was the exact same no holes or anything in it just vacuum sealed moldy!” they stated.

What to do if you encounter moldy food Incidents involving spoiled food have also been reported at other retail chains, such as Walmart and IHOP.

If you encounter spoiled food, it’s important to handle it properly. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommends discarding any food contaminated with mold.

The USDA advises placing the contaminated food in a small paper bag or sealing it in plastic before throwing it away in a covered trash can that is out of reach of children and animals. Additionally, they recommend cleaning the refrigerator or pantry where the food was stored.

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