Social Security important announcement: new average payments for SSI, SSDI, and retirement updated

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According to Vibes.okdiario, As of September 2024, there may be fluctuations in Social Security retirement, SSDI, and SSI payments, influenced by SSI recipients’ earnings and the taxes workers have paid to the Social Security Administration (SSA).

Current Average Payments for August 2024

The average payments for August 2024 have shown an increase compared to July, which is promising news for recipients:

  • Social Security Retirement Benefits: The average payment for retired workers has reached $1,920. Spouses of retired workers receive an average of $909, while their children get about $892. This marks a modest increase of $1 on average compared to July. When compared to January’s figures, the average retirement check has risen by $13, from $1,907.
  • SSDI Benefits: Average payments for SSDI beneficiaries were $1,489 in December 2023 and have increased to $1,539 in August 2024. However, this is only a $2 rise compared to January amounts.
  • SSI Payments: The average SSI check is currently $698. Although this represents an increase from recent figures, it had previously decreased in an earlier SSA announcement.

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Upcoming Payment Dates for SSDI, SSI, and Social Security Retirement Benefits

The SSA will continue issuing monthly payments in September and October. Here’s what to expect:

  • September 18: Payments for SSDI and Social Security retirement benefits will be made to recipients with birthdays from the 11th to the 20th of any month, who are not on SSI and have not been on benefits before May 1997.
  • September 25: Payments for SSDI and Social Security retirement benefits will be issued to recipients with birthdays from the 21st to the 31st of any month, who are not on SSI and have not been on benefits before May 1997.
  • October 1: SSI payments will be distributed to all eligible recipients. This will be the only SSI payment date for October.
  • October 3: Social Security retirement and SSDI payments will be made to those who have been on benefits since before May 1997 or who are also receiving SSI.

Eligibility Criteria for Social Security Programs

  • Retirement Benefits: To qualify for retirement benefits, you must be at least 62 years old, have earned sufficient work credits, and file for benefits.
  • SSI: SSI is designed for low-income individuals, often those receiving disability or retirement benefits.
  • SSDI: SSDI is available for individuals who have a disability expected to last at least one year or result in death, and who have paid enough taxes into the SSA system.

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