Social Security announces 4 new payments for SSDI in October 2024

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According to Vibes.okdiario, SSDI recipients can expect a new payment as early as October 3, 2024. The exact payment date will depend on when you started receiving Social Security Disability Insurance payments and whether you are also receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

Payment Schedule for SSDI Recipients

For example, if you qualify for SSI on October 1 and are also eligible for SSDI, your next payment will be on October 3, 2024. Additionally, those who began receiving SSDI payments before May 1997 will also receive their payment on this date.

Following the initial payment on October 3, the Social Security Administration has outlined additional SSDI payment dates for October:

  • October 9: Recipients with birthdays from 1-10
  • October 16: Recipients with birthdays from 11-20
  • October 23: Recipients with birthdays from 21-31

These payments are exclusively for those on SSDI who do not qualify for the payment on October 3. The amount of your payment will vary based on your work history, earnings, and the age at which you filed for benefits.

Also read: Social Security to Announce New COLA in October – This is the official date for confirming the check increase

SSDI Payment Amounts

As of October, the average SSDI payment amount is $1,539 for recipients in the U.S. However, some low earners may qualify for a lower amount and may also receive SSI benefits. In certain circumstances, workers with disabilities can receive payments of up to $3,822, but this is contingent on having earned the taxable maximum for 35 years in jobs covered by the SSA and filing as late as allowed.

It’s important to note that spouses and children of workers with disabilities receiving SSDI can also receive payments on the same dates. However, these amounts will be significantly lower, typically around $421 for spouses and $492 for children.

If you have a disability and possess medical documentation indicating it is expected to last for over a year, now is the time to apply for SSDI benefits.

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