
NM Experts Reveal Top Methods for Preserving Green Chile

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As the green chile growing season winds down in New Mexico, experts are encouraging residents to preserve their chile harvests properly for the colder months. Amber Benson, a Bernalillo County extension agent, announced that four food preservation techniques will be highlighted in free online workshops next month. These include drying, freezing, freeze-drying, and pressure-cooking. Participants can join one or all of the sessions.

“With rising food costs and lessons learned during COVID about the vulnerabilities in our food supply chain, there’s growing interest in home food preservation,” Benson explained. “It’s a great way for people to take control over their food supply.”

Benson noted that freeze-drying, which involves dehydrating food by freezing it, is a newer preservation method that differs from traditional techniques. New Mexico State University will host the online workshops on Tuesday mornings throughout October. Attendance is capped at 50 participants per session, and advance registration is required.

Green chile in New Mexico refers both to the plant and a variety of prepared dishes, from thick stews to salsa. This series of workshops marks the first time green chile preservation will be featured, with extension agents from five counties participating.

“Most people in New Mexico buy roasted green chile,” Benson pointed out. “But there are lots of questions: Do we remove the tops? Should we leave the seeds in? Does the chile get hotter over time? We’ll cover freezing, drying, and everything in between.”

Benson added that several extension offices across the state offer public access to freeze dryers. Last year, New Mexico made headlines when it became the first state to adopt an official aroma: the smell of roasting green chile, thanks to legislation signed by lawmakers and the governor.


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