
“18 Ways to Tell If You’re a True New Mexican”

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Living in New Mexico isn’t just about soaking in the high desert beauty, savoring the smell of roasting green chile, or politely handling tourists who still think it’s part of Mexico. If you’re a real New Mexican, you know the Land of Enchantment has its own unique rhythm and quirks. Let’s see how many of these signs you can relate to!

1. You’ve Explained That New Mexico Is, in Fact, Part of the United States

Yes, New Mexico is a real state. No, you don’t need a passport to visit!

2. You’ve Been Asked “Red or Green?” at Every Meal

Whether it’s enchiladas, burritos, or fries, you know the question is coming. And while your choice depends on the dish, most days you just say “Christmas” and get both.

3. You Can Spell “Albuquerque” Without a Second Thought

Plus, you’ve mastered the art of watching visitors trip over its pronunciation.

4. “Smells Like Rain” Means It’s Time to Open Your Windows

The scent of desert rain hitting the earth is pure New Mexican magic. Nothing like it.

5. You’ve Attended at Least One Hot Air Balloon Festival

From the grand Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta to smaller local events, you’ve stood in awe watching the colorful skies.

6. You’ve Put Green Chile on Everything

From breakfast burritos to burgers and pizza, green chile is a staple in your diet. There’s almost nothing it doesn’t improve.

7. You Know Better Than to Touch Metal in Your Car in July

The desert sun transforms your steering wheel into a branding iron. And don’t even think about touching the seatbelt buckle!

8. You’ve Experienced All Four Seasons in One Day

Snow in the morning, a sunny afternoon, and a dust storm by dinner? Just another day in New Mexico.

9. You Can Distinguish Between Adobe and Stucco

And you’ve explained the difference to at least a few out-of-state visitors.

10. You’ve Seen a Real Roadrunner

Not the cartoon, but the actual bird. And yes, you’ve probably paused to watch it dash across the road.

11. Tumbleweeds Are No Big Deal

They’re just part of the landscape, and you’ve gotten good at dodging them when the wind picks up.

12. You’ve Taken a Trip to Santa Fe for the Art—and the Margaritas

Whether you’re browsing high-end galleries or just looking for a great drink, Santa Fe never disappoints.

13. You’ve Held Off Turning on the Heat Until Late October

In New Mexico, the idea of cold is all relative. You know it’s too soon to give in to winter.

14. You Know What a “Chile Relleno” Is—And Have a Favorite Spot to Get It

And no, it’s not from a chain. It’s that local spot you’re fiercely loyal to.

15. You’ve Seen at Least One UFO-Themed Souvenir Shop

Roswell might be a quirky destination, but it holds a special place in your heart—whether you believe or not.

16. You’ve Spent Time in the Mountains and Desert in the Same Weekend

Skiing in Taos on Saturday and exploring White Sands on Sunday? That’s how New Mexicans roll.

17. You Own at Least One Piece of Turquoise Jewelry

Even if you don’t wear it every day, turquoise is a part of New Mexico’s rich culture, and you’ve got at least one piece to show for it.

18. You Know What “Santa Fe Style” Means for Home Décor

It’s all about earthy tones, exposed wood beams, and that unmistakable Southwestern charm.

If you’re nodding along, then congratulations—you’re a true New Mexican! From your love of green chile to your desert survival skills, you’ve embraced everything that makes the Land of Enchantment truly magical. So go grab a breakfast burrito, enjoy the smell of rain, and keep loving this beautiful state!


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